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Your search for Why was the great wall of china built returned the following results:

for protection from enemy armies

Built as early as the 7th century BC, the Great Wall of China was originally built for protection from enemy armies.


as a military fortification against intrusion by invading normadic ancient tribes

The Great Wall Of China was constructed as a military fortification against intrusion by invading normadic ancient tribes.

for protection against the Mongols and other nomadic tribes

The Great Wall of China was erected for protection against the Mongols and other nomadic tribes.


in an effort to keep invaders, especially angry Mongols, from taking over the Chinese dynasty

Built over the coarse of several hundred years, the Great Wall of China was constructed in an effort to keep invaders, especially angry Mongols, from taking over the Chinese dynasty.


The Ming dynasty

The Ming Dynasty constructed the Great Wall of China from large bricks made of clay, mud, and lime.


to protect the Silk Road Trade route and the country from barbaric neighbours, particularly the Huns

The Great Wall of China was created as way to protect the Silk Road Trade route and the country from barbaric neighbours, particularly the Huns.


by man

More than 5,500 miles in length, the Great Wall of China is the largest structure ever built by man.

as a barrier

Thousands of years ago, China’s great wall was constructed as a barrier to keep enemies away from the empire they hoped to dismantle, but the greatest of those threats was not human at all: it was a horde of ravenous beasts resembling alligators on stilts, who moved with ferocious speed, attacked with evolving precision and seemed to feed from the psychic energy of a queen who, I guess, desired to conquer all mankind in some karma-ridden crusade.


in an effort to keep invaders from taking over the Chinese dynasty

Built over the coarse of several hundred years, the Great Wall of China was constructed in an effort to keep invaders, especially angry Mongols, from taking over the Chinese dynasty.


by hand

Winding its way like a long dragon through 4,000 miles of mountains, desert, and grasslands, The Great Wall of China was built entirely by hand, taking hundreds of years and millions of workers to complete.