Smart answer:

Your search for Who wrote The God Delusion returned the following results:

a 2006 bestselling non-fiction book by British biologist Richard Dawkins, professorial fellow of New College, Oxford, and inaugural holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair for the P

The God Delusion is a 2006 bestselling non-fiction book by British biologist Richard Dawkins, professorial fellow of New College, Oxford, and inaugural holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair for the P...

by the Oxford University evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins on Richard Dawkins's controversial BBC documentary, The Root of All Evil

The God Delusion, by the Oxford University evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, is based on Richard Dawkins's controversial BBC documentary, The Root of All Evil?


Science & God: Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins on 'Fresh Air' Richard Dawkins

Science & God: Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins on 'Fresh Air' Richard Dawkins explains 'The God Delusion' In Richard Dawkins's most recent book,

Popular atheist author and biologist Richard Dawkins

In Dennett's words: "Religion is a poor moral guide" Popular atheist author and biologist Richard Dawkins, writing in The God Delusion, has stated that religious people have committed a wide variety of acts and held certain beliefs through history that are considered today to be morally repugnant.


The noted New Atheist, Richard Dawkins

The noted New Atheist, Richard Dawkins, wrote a book entitled The God Delusion, in which Richard Dawkinsasserted that the question of God's existence was tied to the question of special creation, and then argued that since special creation has largely been demonstrated to be false, belief in God is a delusion.


Simone de Beauvoir, the British biologist Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion (2006)

8The genealogy often extends outside the United States to include people such as Charles Darwin (Lincoln’s twin brother so to speak, since they were born on the same day), Albert Einstein, Simone de Beauvoir, the British biologist Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion (2006), or the Dalai Lama, and in some cases moves beyond modern times to trace modern times's origins in antiquity (Cicero is then quoted), the whole point being to bring to the fore the universality of freethought.


September Richard Dawkins

September Richard Dawkins published The God Delusion and Sam Harris


Richard Dawkins, not Stephen Hawking

Someone has pointed out that the author of The God Delusion was Richard Dawkins, not Stephen Hawking.


Richard Dawkins, whose notoriety hinges primarily on Richard Dawkins's outspoken atheism (Richard Dawkinsis the author of the wildly popular book, The God Delusion),

Richard Dawkins, whose notoriety hinges primarily on Richard Dawkins's outspoken atheism (Richard Dawkinsis the author of the wildly popular book, The God Delusion), drew attention by promoting the trend of aborting children who are diagnosed prenatally with Down Syndrome.

Richard Dawkins, one of the most prominent voices in the atheist movement

Richard Dawkins, one of the most prominent voices in the atheist movement has written a very popular book called 'The God Delusion', in which Dawkins aims to prove how the world we see today could be created through naturalistic means.


a 2006 best-selling non-fiction book by English biologist Richard Dawkins, a professorial fellow at New College, Oxford

The God Delusion is a 2006 best-selling non-fiction book by English biologist Richard Dawkins, a professorial fellow at New College, Oxford


sacred fiction Stephen Jay Gould’s “Structure of Evolutionary Theory” or Richard Dawkins

sacred fiction Stephen Jay Gould’s “Structure of Evolutionary Theory” or Richard Dawkins’s “The God Delusion”?


Richard Dawkins , or probably more accurately Richard Dawkins's subconscious

The God Delusion,’ Richard Dawkins , or probably more accurately Richard Dawkins's subconscious, took care to define God in such a way that Richard Dawkins's existence would be a logical impossibility.


a clever and articulate Oxford evolutionary biologist by the name of Richard Dawkins

In 2006, a clever and articulate Oxford evolutionary biologist by the name of Richard Dawkins published The God Delusion.


Richard Dawkins, a prominent scientist,

Almost seven years ago, Richard Dawkins, a prominent scientist, published a very popular book called “The God Delusion,” (2008).


Richard Dawkins’ ; Sam Harris

To wit: Christopher Hitchens’ God Is Not Great; Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion; Sam Harris’s The End of Belief and Letter To A Christian Nation; and Daniel Dennett’s Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon.


atheist scientist Richard Dawkins's best-selling anti-God book called The God Delusion

I’ll never forget—seven or eight years ago—seeing best-selling author and atheist scientist Richard Dawkins being interviewed on TV, not long after atheist scientist Richard Dawkins published atheist scientist Richard Dawkins's best-selling anti-God book called The God Delusion.

Richard Dawkins's career on trying to show how life and the universe can be explained entirely by secular science, rejecting all supernatural explanations

The author of The God Delusion is one of the leaders of the New Atheist movement, and has based Richard Dawkins's career on trying to show how life and the universe can be explained entirely by secular science, rejecting all supernatural explanations.