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Your search for Who was magellan returned the following results:

a Portuguese explorer

Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, was the first man to try and sail around the globe.


a Portuguese explorer who served the King of Spain

Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who served the King of Spain, and was the first person to sail the Pacific Ocean and around South America.

the Portuguese explorer , who supposedly “discovered” the Philippines for Spain in 1521, and was killed during the battle of Mactan in the island of Cebuthe first-ever recorded resistance of Filipinos against colonisers

Magellan was the Portuguese explorer who supposedly “discovered” the Philippines for Spain in 1521, and was killed during the battle of Mactan in the island of Cebu, the first-ever recorded resistance of Filipinos against colonisers.

a Portuguese navigator who shared the idea of Christopher Columbus and others that the Far East could be reached by sailing westward

Magellan is a Portuguese navigator who shared the idea of Christopher Columbus and others that the Far East could be reached by sailing westward.


a Portuguese explorer who led the first voyage around the world

Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who led the first voyage around the world.


a Portuguese explorer who sailed under the flag of Spain in the first circumnavigation of the world

Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who sailed under the flag of Spain in the first circumnavigation of the world.


a Portuguese explorer who was the first person in history to circumnavigate the globe

Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who was the first person in history to circumnavigate the globe, and was the first European to reach the Philippine Islands.

the first person and around South America to sail the Pacific Ocean

Magellan was a Portuguese explorer sailing in a Spanish expedition, and was the first person to sail the Pacific Ocean and around South America.

the Portuguese navigator

Magellan, the Portuguese navigator, passed through the straits which now bear Magellan's name in 1519, and was the first to circumnavigate the globe.

a Portuguese explorer serving Spain to explore the world for purposes of the spice trade

In the event, Magellan was a Portuguese explorer serving Spain to explore the world for purposes of the spice trade.
