Smart answer:

Your search for Who was Alfred Nobel returned the following results:

a Swedish inventor and chemist who held more than 350 patents

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor and chemist who held more than 350 patents.

a chemist, engineer, and inventor

Alfred Nobel was a chemist, engineer and inventor.


a Swedish inventor who created new types of explosives

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor who created new types of explosives.

a Swedish inventor and weapons maker

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor and weapons maker.


a Swedish scientist, the inventor of dynamite, and one of the richest men in Europe

Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) was a Swedish scientist, the inventor of dynamite, and one of the richest men in Europe.

one of the most successful chemists, inventors, entrepreneurs, and businessmen

Alfred Nobel was one of the most successful chemists, inventors, entrepreneurs, and businessmen of the late nineteenth century.


an inventor, businessman, and founder of the world’s most prestigious prize: The Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel was an inventor, businessman, and founder of the world’s most prestigious prize: The Nobel Prize.


a Swedish inventor and businessman whose invention of dynamite in 1867 earned Alfred Nobel a vast fortune

Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) was a Swedish inventor and businessman whose invention of dynamite in 1867 earned Alfred Nobel a vast fortune.


a descendant of Olaus Rudbeck, a famous Swedish scientist & writer

Alfred Nobel was also a descendant of Olaus Rudbeck, a famous Swedish scientist & writer.


as the inventor of dynamite and

Alfred Nobel was most known as the inventor of dynamite, but Robert A. Millikan was also an engineer, chemist, innovator, and arms manufacturer.

a Swedish scientist who is most well-known as the benefactor of the Nobel Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish scientist who is most well-known as the benefactor of the Nobel Peace Prize.

the third son of Immanuel Nobel , (1801–1872)an inventor and engineer,

Born in Stockholm, Alfred Nobel was the third son of Immanuel Nobel (1801–1872), an inventor and engineer, and Karolina Andriette (Ahlsell) Nobel (1805–1889).


a Swedish inventor and manufacturer who became wealthy in the late 19th century from Alfred Nobel's 355 inventions, the most well known of which is dynamite

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor and manufacturer who became wealthy in the late 19th century from Alfred Nobel's 355 inventions, the most well known of which is dynamite.


the inventor of dynamite, the power of which comes from the chemistry of a substance that surrounds us all

Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite, the power of which comes from the chemistry of a substance that surrounds us all.
