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Your search for Who said greed is good in the movies returned the following results:

Oliver Stone and Michael Douglas

The Final Word: In 1987, Oliver Stone and Michael Douglas taught audiences that “Greed is Good.”


Michael Douglas

In the infamous movie “Wall Street” with Michael Douglas playing the shoe-shined, spit-polished, and dressed to the nines villain, Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas uttered the phrase “greed is good.”


Gordon Gekko

In the two Wall Street films, Gordon Gekko championed the notion that greed is good.

Adam Smith

What Adam Smith said is, that greed is good and that by becoming richer you benefit everybody, not just yourself.

Oliver Stone

A year after Oliver Stone elevated the phrase “Greed is good” to a satirical double-edged mantra in Wall Street, John Carpenter put Wall Street more bluntly in John Carpenter Live (1988), a scruffy little genre movie with a subversive subtext.