Smart answer:

Your search for Who is yishan wong returned the following results:

American engineer and entrepreneur

Yishan Wong is an American engineer and entrepreneur who was CEO of Reddit from March 2012 until Yishan Wong's resignation in November 2014.[1][2][3][4]

an American engineer and entrepreneur who was CEO of Reddit from March 2012 until Yishan Wong's resignation in November 2014.[1][2][3][4

Yishan Wong is an American engineer and entrepreneur who was CEO of Reddit from March 2012 until Yishan Wong's resignation in November 2014.[1][2][3][4]

Reddit’s chief executive

Reddit’s chief executive, Yishan Wong, resigned this week in a move that surprised the company, Reddit's investors, and pretty much everyone else.

the founder and CEO

Yishan Wong is the founder and CEO, Yishan Wong is also an engineer and climate activist specializing in technology impact.


an engineering manager who later served as CEO of Reddit from 2011 to 2014

Yishan Wong was an engineering manager who later served as CEO of Reddit from 2011 to 2014.

an engineer who had worked at Facebook

Yishan Wong, an engineer who had worked at Facebook, was then Reddit’s

the new CEO at Reddit, an excellent social media site I have written about previously

Yishan Wong is the new CEO at Reddit, an excellent social media site I have written about previously.


as a software engineer's next Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Reddit named Yishan Wong - a software engineer - as a software engineer's next Chief Executive Officer (CEO).


the co-founder

Yishan Wong is also the co-founder of Mountain View coworking space Sunfire Offices, and an advisor at Quora.


an early Facebook employee

Yishan Wong, an early Facebook employee, was the C.E.O. of Reddit from 2012 to 2014.


at Facebook

Yishan Wong worked at Facebook and became CEO of Reddit.


a software engineer who has never been a CEO before

After a search of five or six months they found Yishan Wong, a software engineer who has never been a CEO before.
