Smart answer:

Your search for Who invented calculus returned the following results:

Sir Isaac Newton (or Leibnitz?)

Sir Isaac Newton (or Leibnitz?) invented calculus to solve a problem.

Reference Sir Isaac Newton

Reference Sir Isaac Newton invented calculus and explained optics.


Gottfried Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton

Gottfried Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton independently invented calculus that is used to predict the way in which a graph grows.


Sir Isaac Newton ( ) Newton invented calculus

Sir Isaac Newton ( ) Newton invented calculus described the laws of universal gravitation (gravitas-weight) and the three laws of motion built the first reflecting telescope.

Sir Isaac Newton – invented calculus,

Sir Isaac Newton – invented calculus, discovered multiple laws of motion and developed the first reflecting telescope.

Both Sir Isaac Newton and Godfried Leibnitz

Both Sir Isaac Newton and Godfried Leibnitz invented calculus.


Isaac Newton and Leibniz

Since when did Isaac Newton and Leibniz invent calculus?!


Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

In the 17th century, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invented calculus roughly simultaneously, even though neither was aware of the other’s work.


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton

Either theory could be used today had Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton not invented calculus.


Isaac Newton '

The Moscow papyrus is an Egyptian document dated back 1820 B.C.. I told Dew Time that on the cosmos program, they said Isaac Newton 'invented' calculus, but made no mention of the beginnings of integral calculus in ancient Egypt.