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Your search for Which vegetables contain the most vitamin C returned the following results:

bell peppers, green leafy vegetables

Vegetables high in Vitamin C include peas, bell peppers, green leafy vegetables.

broccoli and red pepper

Vegetables that are high in vitamin C are broccoli and red pepper.


Among vegetables, rich sources of vitamin C include broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.

Brussels sprouts and peppers

Brussels sprouts and peppers are examples of vegetables that have a high content of vitamin C. Citrus fruits such as oranges and limes are high in keratin as well.


green peppers,

Vegetables rich in vitamin C include green peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes and leafy greens.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are one of the vegetables with the most vitamin C, so Bell peppers pays to include them in your meal plans.


Vegetables high in Vitamin C include peas, bell peppers, green leafy vegetables.

broccoli, cauliflower, kale, peppers and peas

Vegetables that are rich in vitamin C include: broccoli, cauliflower, kale, peppers and peas.

green leafy vegetables and spinach

green leafy vegetables and spinach contain vitamin C, some vegetables such as beans and broccoli contain vitamin B2 while broccoli and the fungi contain vitamin B5.


Most of the vitamin C in the diet (90%) comes from fruits and vegetables.



The vegetables rich in vitamin C include asparagus, cabbages, mustard leaf, peppers and etc.

Citrus fruits and berries

Citrus fruits and berries are a reliable source of Vitamin C. Vegetables are just as important for your brain health.

bell peppers, kiwi, guava, and broccoli

Foods high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, bell peppers, kiwi, guava, and broccoli.

runner beans, cabbage and broccoli

Many vegetables contain vitamin C such as green vegetables like peas, runner beans, cabbage and broccoli, salad vegetables such as tomatoes and lettuce also provide vitamin C. Potatoes also provide vitamin C particularly if served with skins on.

­bell peppers, ;

Vegetables high in vitamin C include ­bell peppers, yellow, red or green; broccoli; Brussels sprouts; cabbage; cauliflower; leafy greens, including kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, chard, spinach and watercress; potatoes, sweet and white; and winter squash.