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Your search for Where was Charles Simic born returned the following results:

in Belgrade and

Charles Simic was born in 1938 in Belgrade and Charles Simic's darkly ironic point-of-view was no doubt shaped by Charles Simic's formative experiences as a person displaced by World War II and facing hardship in post-war Eastern Europe.

in Yugoslavia

Charles Simic was born in Yugoslavia on May 9, 1938.


on May 9, 1938, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Charles Simic was born on May 9, 1938, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


in Belgrade in what was then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, just in time for World War II

Charles Simic was born in Belgrade, in what was then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, just in time for World War II, amid the click of Nazi jackboots.

in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia

Charles Simic was born in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, on May 9, 1938.

Belgrade in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia

Charles Simic was born Dusan Simic on May 9, 1938, in Belgrade in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.


in former Yugoslavia

Charles Simic was born in former Yugoslavia in 1938.

in pre-war Belgrade

Simic was born in pre-war Belgrade and grew up in Chicago after his family emigrated to the US.


in Belgrade in former Yugoslavia, a childhood in which 'Hitler and Stalin taught us the basics'

Charles Simic (b. 1938) grew up in Belgrade in former Yugoslavia, a childhood in which 'Hitler and Stalin taught us the basics'.
