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Your search for What was the impact of craigslist on newspapers returned the following results:

into a free-fall

Craigslist and the rise of the internet swallowed classified ad revenue, and sent newspapers into a free-fall.

of revenue from classifieds

Craigslist delivered the first blow, depriving the press of revenue from classifieds, and then Google and Facebook came along and sucked up the vast majority of online ad spend.


the advertising lifeblood

Craigslist drains the advertising lifeblood from local newspapers, and local libraries reinvent themselves after the web puts the world in your pocket.

The study” , titled “Responses to Entry in Multi-Sided Markets: The Impact of Craigslist on Local Newspapers,

The study, titled “Responses to Entry in Multi-Sided Markets: The Impact of Craigslist on Local Newspapers,” explored the impact of Craigslist by analyzing newspaper publisher results over time, focusing on their degree of reliance on classifieds and the timing of Craigslist entry in their market, among other factors.

decimated classified advertising

Meanwhile the advent of Craigslist decimated classified advertising, which was the newspaper industry’s profit cornerstone.


At the time by snatching away their classifieds business

At the time, Craigslist was starting to radically transform the newspaper industry by snatching away their classifieds business.


the profitability of newspapers

Obviously, severely impacted the profitability of newspapers by diminishing the classifieds revenue streams.

significant ad revenues

The business models of each sector have substantial differences, and the reasons for their struggles vary — newspapers, for example, lost significant ad revenues to web sites like Craigslist.

to a sharp decline in newspapers’ classified-advertising revenue—a business where many newspapers have had comfortable local monopolies for decades

The popularity of Craigslist, the ninth most popular website in America, has contributed to a sharp decline in newspapers’ classified-advertising revenue—a business where many newspapers have had comfortable local monopolies for decades.


classified advertising, which was the newspaper industry’s profit cornerstone

Meanwhile the advent of Craigslist decimated classified advertising, which was the newspaper industry’s profit cornerstone.


on newspaper’s income

Craigslist did have a negative impact on newspaper’s income – however newspapers were having other issues because people just weren’t buying them, so people was somewhat moot.


during the 2000s

In a new study, Robert Seamans, assistant professor of management and organizations at the NYU Stern School of Business, and Feng Zhu at Harvard Business School, examine the impact of Craigslist, a website providing classified-advertising services, on local US newspapers during the 2000s.


that exacerbated their problems by raising their walls

Craigslist upended newspapers that exacerbated their problems by raising their walls, says a study by two management professors.


to the demise of local newspaper classified advertising and the disappearance of the print AutoTrader

Of course, the rise of Craigslist led to the demise of local newspaper classified advertising and the disappearance of the print AutoTrader.

much of their classified advertising

Newspapers lost much of their classified advertising to free services such as Craigslist, and then lost even more ad dollars when marketers pulled back on full-page and half-page print ads for lower-cost and more easily-measured online alternatives.

by the loss of lucrative classified advertising

Newspapers have been hammered by the loss of lucrative classified advertising to free sites like Craigslist, as well as continuing consolidation by large retailers, which leaves fewer retail advertising customers.

the greatest hit in classified advertising revenue

From the perspective of revenue generated from their print editions, newspapers have taken the greatest hit in classified advertising revenue as a result of competition from online classifieds sites, predominantly Craigslist but also from sites such as eBay.

With much better coverage, space, and (obviously) price in markets where both went head to head

With much better coverage, space, and (obviously) price, Craigslist quickly began to dominate newsprint in markets where both went head to head.


this lucrative revenue stream

With the introduction of cheaper alternatives, like Craigslist, newspapers lost this lucrative revenue stream.

a serious blow

In just a few years, Craigslist blossomed into one of the most popular online marketplaces in the country, radically remaking the classified marketplace (and dealing a serious blow to the revenues of countless newspapers).
