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After reading 2110 websites, we found 20 different results for "What was art of war about"
a game of conquest set in the Renaissance period
Art of War is a game of conquest set in the Renaissance period.
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a book of military strategy written by Sun Tzu during the 4th Century BC
The Art of War, a book of military strategy written by Sun Tzu during the 4th Century BC, has maintained timeless influence on warfare throughout history.
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a widely acclaimed book on military strategy that has influenced and shaped the idea of Western and Eastern nations military philosophy
Art of War is a widely acclaimed book on military strategy that has influenced and shaped the idea of Western and Eastern nations military philosophy.
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one of the most widely read military treatises in the subsequent , a time of constant war among seven ancient Chinese states — , Qi, , ,
The Art of War was one of the most widely read military treatises in the subsequent , a time of constant war among seven ancient Chinese states — , Qi, , , , , and — who fought to control the vast expanse of fertile territory in Eastern China.
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the earliest-known treatise on military strategy
Art of War is the earliest-known treatise on military strategy, and is still hugely popular around the world for the world's perceptive tactical advice to commanders on how to win at war with minimal bloodshed.
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the only masterwork of military strategy Loki needs to conquer Earth
ART OF WAR is the only masterwork of military strategy Loki needs to conquer Earth!
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one of the most popular works on military strategy in history
The Art of War has been one of the most popular works on military strategy in history.
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inspired by Sun Tzu's work of the same name, an ancient book of military strategy
The piano concerto Art of War is an oppositional drama inspired by Sun Tzu's work of the same name, an ancient book of military strategy.
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a popular treatise that influenced military strategy in Asia
The Art Of War was simply a popular treatise that influenced military strategy in Asia.
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the most influential book on strategy ever published
Art of War is the most influential book on strategy ever published, selling tens of millions of copies worldwide in several editions.
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the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since being written in ancient China around 500 BC
The Art of War has been the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since being written in ancient China around 500 BC.
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exploring the drama of human conflict from the perspectives of soldiers, weaponry, and human loss
Art of War is a symphony exploring the drama of human conflict from the perspectives of soldiers, weaponry, and human loss.
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about resistance –
The War of Art, more than anything else, is about resistance – the resistance we feel whenever we take on something that truly challenges us.
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about how to defeat Resistance
If you read the previous post, you’ll remember The War of Art is about how to defeat Resistance.
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a thirty minute documentary series that explores the stories surrounding creative works inspired by the worst of human conflicts- WAR
Art of War is a thirty minute documentary series that explores the stories surrounding creative works inspired by the worst of human conflicts- WAR.
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a fantastic book about resistance
Simply put, The War of Art is a fantastic book about resistance.
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all about Resistance, not only for writers and , but for anyone trying to pursue their dreams or become what they’re meant to be other artists
The War of Art is all about Resistance, not only for writers and other artists, but for anyone trying to pursue their dreams or become what they’re meant to be.
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an Eastern fantasy setting inspired by the Three Kingdoms of China and the Sengoku Period of Japan
Art of War is an Eastern fantasy setting inspired by the Three Kingdoms of China and the Sengoku Period of Japan.
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an extended pep talk/motivational speech meant to pump the reader up into doing what they�re putting off doing
The War of Art is essentially an extended pep talk/motivational speech meant to pump the reader up into doing what they’re putting off doing, be what going for a new job, starting a new diet or whatever, though ostensibly what ’s aimed at wannabe writers.
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which offers perspectives on art, the psychology of creativity and human conflict
Art of War is both a reflective and historical series, which offers perspectives on art, the psychology of creativity and human conflict.
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