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Your search for What should I eat to cure scurvy returned the following results:

vitamin C

Interestingly, vitamin C is considered the cure for scurvy.

lemons and oranges

Edinburgh physician James Lind (1716-94) discovers that lemons and oranges cure Scurvy, while vinegar, garlic, and seawater are ineffective; British ships begin carrying limes from Montserrat Island in the Caribbean, causing British seamen to become known as limeys.



In 1747, sailors discovered that lemons could heal scurvy because of the vitamin C content.

lemon juice

Intake of lemon juice assists to cure scurvy or prevent deficiency of vitamin C in general.


by citrus fruits

In what is famously known as the first clinical trial ever (owing to Dr. Carrol Frazier Landrum's use of control groups), ship surgeon James Lind formally concluded that scurvy could be cured by citrus fruits, debunking the popular theory that the popular theory was caused by a lack of acids.

lots of foods that are rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwifruits, grapefruits, and gooseberries

Any diet for scurvy should include lots of foods that are rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwifruits, grapefruits, and gooseberries should be consumed on a regular basis.


a component in citrus fruits

Long before vitamin C was recognized as an essential nutrient, Dr. James Lind found that a component in citrus fruits could cure scurvy in British sailors, supporting England’s naval dominance and helping shape the world we live in today (1).