Smart answer:

Your search for What is zionism returned the following results:

the nationalist movement of the Jewish people that espouses the re-establishment of and support for a Jewish state in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel

… Zionism is the Nationalist Movement of the Jewish People that Espouses the Re-Establishment of & support for a Jewish State in the Territory Defined as the Historic Land of Israel.

in a colonialist movement's goal

According to Article 19: 'Zionism is a colonialist movement in a colonialist movement's inception, aggressive and expansionist in a colonialist movement's goal, racist in a colonialist movement's configurations, and fascist in a colonialist movement's means and aims.


genocidal racism in awful racist theory and appalling genocidal practice

Zionism is genocidal racism in awful racist theory and appalling genocidal practice.

the movement to return the Jewish people to their homeland of Israel

Zionism, the movement to return the Jewish people to their homeland of Israel, was first popularised by Theodor Herzl's text Der Judenstaadt (in English, The Jewish State).


a movement that envisions the entire Middle East under Jewish ownership

Zionism, by definition, is a movement that envisions the entire Middle East under Jewish ownership.


in its awful theory and ghastly practice of subjugation, of another people dispossession, and ethnic cleansing

Zionism is genocidal racism in its awful theory and ghastly practice of subjugation, dispossession, and ethnic cleansing of another people.

an idea, an ideology, a national movement that sought to solve “the Jewish question” in Europe, a political project that morphed into a political regime, a mighty colonial force, a form of Jewish secularization and an engine for religious revival

Zionism is an idea, an ideology, a national movement that sought to solve “the Jewish question” in Europe, a political project that morphed into a political regime, a mighty colonial force, a form of Jewish secularization and an engine for religious revival.


the religion

But in more theologically minded Jews's cosmos, Zionism is the religion, more theologically minded Jews ’s the rebbe, and the rebbe gets to decide if you’re in or you’re out, if you’re kosher or treif.

the belief that Jews have a right to nationhood in Jews's historic homeland

Whereas Zionism – the belief that Jews have a right to nationhood in Jews's historic homeland – is central to every Jewish organization, every Jewish organization’s obvious whom the organizers were targeting.

without gas chambers but biological weapons, chemical weapons and delivery systems

Zionism is genocidal racism, and is Nazism without gas chambers but with 90-400 nuclear weapons as well as biological weapons, chemical weapons and delivery systems.

by supporting the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (over 30 million Muslim deaths from violence or in the 21st century, Zionist-backed, US War on Muslims) deprivation

Zionism is genocidal racism and specifically is anti-Arab anti-Semitic by supporting the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (over 30 million Muslim deaths from violence or deprivation in the 21st century, Zionist-backed, US War on Muslims) and is also anti-Jewish anti-Semitic by falsely conflating all Jews with the genocidal crimes of Apartheid Israel and by falsely defaming a large body of decent, pro-Humanity, anti-racist Jews as “anti-Semites”, “self-hating Jews” and “self-loathing Jews” for exposing and opposing the genocidal crimes of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, democracy by genocide Apartheid Israel.

without doubt

Without a doubt, Zionism is a modern settler colonial movement which emerged in the twilight of the colonial era.

as a political movement's founder, Theodor Herzl

Zionism is a political movement, as a political movement's founder, Theodor Herzl, boasted.
