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Your search for What is zen returned the following results:

a school of Mahayana Buddhism

Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism and began in China in the midst of the 6th century as Chán.

the short title for 'Meditation Buddhism' or 'Zen Buddhism' in Japan

Zen means meditation, and is the short title for 'Meditation Buddhism' or 'Zen Buddhism' in Japan.


a Japanese word , derived from a Sanskrit word 'Dhyana' which means meditation

Zen is a Japanese word , derived from a Sanskrit word 'Dhyana' which means meditation.


the Japanese word for “meditation” Bodhidharma ,, an Indian monk, is largely viewed as the founder of Zen Buddhism (1)

Although “Zen” is the Japanese word for “meditation,” Bodhidharma, an Indian monk, is largely viewed as the founder of Zen Buddhism (1).

a form of Mahāyāna Buddhism that stresses the practice of meditation as the key to enlightenment

Zen (禅), Japanese for "meditation," is a form of Mahāyāna Buddhism that stresses the practice of meditation as the key to enlightenment.


Japanese for "meditation

Zen (禅), Japanese for "meditation," is a form of Mahāyāna Buddhism that stresses the practice of meditation as the key to enlightenment.


a school of Buddhism emphasizing the role of meditation (or zazen in Japanese) in Buddha’s spiritual enlightenment

Zen, which originated in China and spread to Japan in the 12th century, is a school of Buddhism emphasizing the role of meditation (or zazen in Japanese) in Buddha’s spiritual enlightenment.


an innovative digital marketing platform that provides cutting-edge solutions for businesses

Zen is an innovative digital marketing platform that provides cutting-edge solutions for businesses and also we're an enthusiastic recruiting agency, buzzing with energy and ready to match the perfect individual to their ideal job!

in the most basic sense, just meditation

Zen is, in the most basic sense, just meditation.


a Japanese word that originated from “ch’an” in Chinese, which has ch’an's roots in “dhyana” in Sanskrit

Zen is a Japanese word that originated from “ch’an” in Chinese, which has ch’an's roots in “dhyana” in Sanskrit.


a practice that was uninterruptedly transmitted from master to disciple

Zen is, first and foremost, a practice that was uninterruptedly transmitted from master to disciple, and that goes back to the spiritual awakening (Satori in Japanese) of a man named Siddharta Gautama (Shakyamuni Gotama in Japanese) –