Smart answer:

Your search for What is twitter about returned the following results:

about sharing information, developing relationships and connecting with people

Twitter is about sharing information, developing relationships and connecting with people.


about sharing information, airing opinions, and communicating with other users

Twitter is about sharing information, airing opinions, and communicating with other users.


all about facilitating conversations

Twitter (Twitter) is all about facilitating conversations, but until you’re following some people, some people’s just a blank page.


about sharing information

Twitter isn’t just about making money – Twitter ’s about sharing information.


about engagement and conversation

Twitter is about engagement and conversation, and Twitter ’s so much easier for that to happen if you have an image of the person you are tweeting with.

all about connection and conversations

Conversation Remember that Twitter is all about connection and conversations.



Twitter is about events or occurrences, which could be a missing plane in the Indian Ocean or letting your audience know that your latest blog post is published.


all about sharing things that your followers might find interesting, useful, or entertaining

Twitter is all about sharing things that your followers might find interesting, useful, or entertaining.

about having conversations, not just broadcasting links or announcements

Twitter is about having conversations, not just broadcasting links or announcements.


about content that is noteworthy, interesting, funny, or otherwise worth sharing

Twitter is all about content that is noteworthy, interesting, funny, or otherwise worth sharing.

about interaction, discussion, sharing information and establishing/maintaining relationships

Twitter is about interaction, discussion, sharing information and establishing/maintaining relationships.

engagement and networking

Twitter is about engagement and networking — not one-sided relationships.


all about real-time interaction and flow

STEVE: I mean, Twitter is all about real-time interaction and flow.


making connections and providing great content

Twitter is about helping, making connections and providing great content.

all about sharing your personality

Finally, Twitter is all about sharing your personality, so most users are averse to automatically-generated or scheduled tweets.


about building relationships and , networking which is a form of marketing

More importantly, Twitter is about building relationships and networking, which is a form of marketing.

all about the ramble, the random, the rants — how you talk with friends in real life

Twitter is all about the ramble, the random, the rants — how you talk with friends in real life.

about direct engagement and with your users conversation

More than other channels, Twitter is about direct engagement and conversation with your users, so authenticity is key.
