Smart answer:

Your search for What is toxic masculinity returned the following results:

a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression

Toxic masculinity is a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression.

the idea that men should behave in a specific way

Toxic masculinity is the idea that men should behave in a specific way, most commonly these behaviors are strong and with hold emotion (Salam, Maya).


a specific model of manhood, geared towards dominance and control

So, to be excruciatingly clear, toxic masculinity is a specific model of manhood, geared towards dominance and control.

one phrase for cultural norms of masculine identity and behavior that may be harmful to people of all genders and to the larger fabric of society

“Toxic masculinity” is one phrase for cultural norms of masculine identity and behavior that may be harmful to people of all genders and to the larger fabric of society.


an attitude or set of social guidelines stereotypically associated with manliness that often have a negative impact on men, women, and society in general

Toxic masculinity is an attitude or set of social guidelines stereotypically associated with manliness that often have a negative impact on men, women, and society in general.


something that I've always talked about amongst my own circle of friends and just trying to deconstruct those really archaic, patriarchal mindsets of what what is to be a man

Toxic masculinity is something that I've always talked about amongst my own circle of friends and just trying to deconstruct those really archaic, patriarchal mindsets of what what is to be a man.

a specific model of manhood, geared toward dominance and control

Toxic masculinity is a specific model of manhood, geared toward dominance and control.


one of the ways in which patriarchy is harmful to men and their families

Toxic masculinity is one of the ways in which patriarchy is harmful to men and their families.


masculinity that leads to misogynistic movements like Incel and Red Pill

Toxic masculinity is masculinity that leads to misogynistic movements like Incel and Red Pill.

a made-up term

First off, “toxic masculinity” is a made-up term by the far-left to try to brow-beat men into behaving like they want.
