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Your search for What is the proximity effect returned the following results:

the tendency for current to flow in other undesirable patterns—loops or concentrated distributions—due to the presence of magnetic fields generated by nearby conductors

Proximity effect is the tendency for current to flow in other undesirable patterns—loops or concentrated distributions—due to the presence of magnetic fields generated by nearby conductors.

a phenomenon that is observable exclusively in directional microphones

The proximity effect is a phenomenon that is observable exclusively in directional microphones.

a boost in bass frequencies that results from extreme close-miking

Proximity effect is a boost in bass frequencies that results from extreme close-miking.

a change in the frequency response of a microphone that correlates to the distance between the sound source and the microphone

Proximity effect is a change in the frequency response of a microphone that correlates to the distance between the sound source and the microphone.

a phenomenon that leads to an increase in low-frequency response as you move the mic closer to any given sound source

The proximity effect is a phenomenon that leads to an increase in low-frequency response as you move the mic closer to any given sound source.

an increase in bass response

The term proximity effect describes an increase in bass response when you get close to a directional microphone.

a bass boost that results from placing a directional mic in close proximity to a signal source (e.g., a singer's lips)

Proximity Effect is a bass boost that results from placing a directional mic in close proximity to a signal source (e.g., a singer's lips).

one of a variable thickness proximity effect, a longitudinal proximity effect, an inverse proximity effect, or combination thereof

In one embodiment, the proximity effect is one of a variable thickness proximity effect, a longitudinal proximity effect, an inverse proximity effect, or combination thereof.


a collection of powerful card routines that range from visual card magic like Deviance - a visual pip through window whereby a pip from a signed card penetrates a glass window

Proximity Effects is a collection of powerful card routines that range from visual card magic like Deviance - a visual pip through window whereby a pip from a signed card penetrates a glass window; to the more dark and eery side of mental magic with effects like Cold - the telethesia cards.

the exaggeration of low-frequency sounds in a directional microphone when the microphone is located very near the sound source

: Proximity effect is the exaggeration of low-frequency sounds in a directional microphone when the microphone is located very near the sound source.


how your tone changes based on your distance to or angle from the mic

Proximity effect is how your tone changes based on your distance to or angle from the mic.


to the change in frequency response inherent in directional mics

Adding a little to DSE's post as an FYI, 'proximity effect' refers to the change in frequency response inherent in directional mics as one moves the mic close to the sound source.


the tendency for psychical and psychological nearness that increases personal liking (Schneider et, al. 2012)

The proximity effect is the tendency for psychical and psychological nearness that increases personal liking (Schneider et, al. 2012).


the low-end boost created when a vocalist gets very close to a microphone

Proximity effect is the low-end boost created when a vocalist gets very close to a microphone.


observations of a supercurrent, i.e. a current flowing through the graphene junction with zero voltage on the junction

The proximity effect is manifested by observations of a supercurrent, i.e. a current flowing through the graphene junction with zero voltage on the junction.


the influence of adjacent magnetic fields on the currents in a conductor

Proximity effect describes the influence of adjacent magnetic fields on the currents in a conductor.

the unnatural (albeit sometimes desired) bass response

The proximity effect is the unnatural (albeit sometimes desired) bass response that happens when you lean closer to a microphone (or someone’s ear for that matter).


a major effect – especially when close-miking a sound source that is capable of moving closer to and further from the microphone, such as a vocal or any hand-held instrument (e.g. saxophone, flute, etc on the tonality of the sound captured by the microphone

Typically beginning somewhere below 1000Hz and reaching boosts or cuts of 12dB or more at 50Hz, the proximity effect has a major effect on the tonality of the sound captured by the microphone – especially when close-miking a sound source that is capable of moving closer to and further from the microphone, such as a vocal or any hand-held instrument (e.g. saxophone, flute, etc.).


the increase in low

Proximity effect is the increase in low, bass frequencies caused by having the sound source too close to a microphone.
