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Your search for What is the point of passive investing returned the following results:

to maximize returns over the long run

As an investment strategy, passive investing aims to maximize returns over the long run.

a type of investment strategy aiming to maximize returns on the long run, through keeping the amount of selling and buying to a minimum level

Passive investing is a type of investment strategy aiming to maximize returns on the long run, through keeping the amount of selling and buying to a minimum level.


a long-term strategy in which investors buy and hold a diversified mix of assets in an effort to match, but not beat, the market

Passive investing is a long-term strategy in which investors buy and hold a diversified mix of assets in an effort to match, but not beat, the market.


a long-term technique for developing wealth that involves purchasing assets resembling stock market indexes and holding them for an extended time

Passive investing is a long-term technique for developing wealth that involves purchasing assets resembling stock market indexes and holding them for an extended time.

a strategy that aims to maximize returns while minimizing buying and selling

Passive investing is a strategy that aims to maximize returns while minimizing buying and selling.

to do nothing with your investment

The point of passive investing, of course, is to do nothing with your investment.


in a diversified investment plan to maximize returns

Passive investing works in a diversified investment plan to maximize returns, while minimizing transaction costs and income taxes.


the buy-and-hold strategy

Passive investing is essentially the buy-and-hold strategy, and is increasingly executed through the use of rule-based, index-tracking ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).

an investment strategy that limits buying and selling actions

Passive investing is an investment strategy that limits buying and selling actions.


a buy-and-hold strategy that typically constructs portfolios from low-cost index funds, ETFs and other passively managed investments

Passive investing is a buy-and-hold strategy that typically constructs portfolios from low-cost index funds, ETFs and other passively managed investments.

the act of investing in assets without much —

Passive investing, as Passive investing's name suggests, is the act of investing in assets without much — if any — additional investment of your own energy.

minimal trading involved

Passive investing largely revolves around a buy-and-hold strategy and there is minimal trading involved.

the use of quasi-automated vehicles that provide access to broad stock indexes with minimal cost and effort

The culprit is passive investing, the use of quasi-automated vehicles that provide access to broad stock indexes with minimal cost and effort.

of course with your investment

The point of passive investing, of course, is to do nothing with your investment.


a strategy that tracks a market-weighted index or portfolio

Passive investing is a strategy that tracks a market-weighted index or portfolio.


that aims to replicate a benchmark investment return

Passive investing is an investment style that aims to replicate a benchmark investment return.


a strategy typically implemented by holding securities in line with their representation in an index, offering a diversified and low-fee portfolio

Passive investing is a strategy typically implemented by holding securities in line with their representation in an index, offering a diversified and low-fee portfolio.

for Your Portfolio

Does Passive Investing Make Sense for Your Portfolio?