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Your search for What is spam returned the following results:

any unsolicited email sent in bulk

Spam is any unsolicited email sent in bulk.


the electronic sending of mass unsolicited messages

Spam is the electronic sending of mass unsolicited messages.


unsolicited email messages including commercial email, bulk email and junk email sent to individuals who have not given their consent to receive such messages, who have not requested information contained in such messages and who have no prior professional or personal relationship with the sender

Spam' is unsolicited email messages including commercial email, bulk email and junk email sent to individuals who have not given their consent to receive such messages, who have not requested information contained in such messages and who have no prior professional or personal relationship with the sender.


unsolicited email also known as junk mail

Spam is unsolicited email also known as junk mail.


unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant or inappropriate email

Spam is unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant or inappropriate email.


unsolicited emails, often of a commercial nature, sent in bulk to a large number of recipients

Spam is unsolicited emails, often of a commercial nature, sent in bulk to a large number of recipients.

an intelligent email filter , which uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk emailmore commonly known as Spam

spam is an intelligent email filter that uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk email, more commonly known as spam.


a generic term used to describe electronic ‘junk mail’- unwanted messages sent to a person’s email account or mobile phone

Spam is a generic term used to describe electronic ‘junk mail’- unwanted messages sent to a person’s email account or mobile phone.


unsolicited email messages sent to your account

Spam is unsolicited email messages sent to your account.


a digital version of junk mail

Simply put, spam is a digital version of junk mail.


a common slang term referring to the sending of unsolicited email, instant messaging, or other communication to a large group of people at once

Spam is a common slang term referring to the sending of unsolicited email, instant messaging, or other communication to a large group of people at once.


one of the most frustrating things about the internet

Spam is one of the most frustrating things about the internet.


any unwanted or unsolicited electronic junk mail

Spam is any unwanted or unsolicited electronic junk mail.


unsolicited email which can take many forms like junk email, phishing emails, or emails can be Legitimate emails that we do not want to receive and there is no way to opt out of emails

In simple terms, spam is unsolicited email which can take many forms like junk email, phishing emails, or emails can be Legitimate emails that we do not want to receive and there is no way to opt out of emails.


For the uninitiated

Spam, for the uninitiated, is the receipt of undesirable e-mail from folks whom you did not request to obtain details.


a term taken advantage of for unsolicited emails which internet advertising and marketing experts make use of to be able to attach their marketing and advertising message

Spam is a term taken advantage of for unsolicited emails which internet advertising and marketing experts make use of to be able to attach their marketing and advertising message.
