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Your search for What is scrapy returned the following results:

used to crawl websites and extract structured data from their pages

Scrapy is a fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework, used to crawl websites and extract structured data from their pages.


that uses XPath or CSS to scrape data from web pages

Scrapy is a Python library that uses XPath or CSS to scrape data from web pages.

the most popular web scraping framework written in Python

The people behind Scrapinghub are the creators and the main maintainers of Scrapy, the most popular web scraping framework written in Python.


written in Python, which serves as the basic foundation of the web crawler

Scrapy is a web scraping and crawling framework written in Python, which serves as the basic foundation of the web crawler.


the best and most reliable scraper tool and

Scrapy: This one is the best and most reliable scraper tool and most importantly This one is free and easy to configure.

a powerful scraping framework of Python

“Scrapy” is a powerful scraping framework of Python.


For Python developers using web scrapers

For Python developers using web scrapers, Scrapy is an advanced and efficient free scraping tool.

one of the most popular web crawling and scraping frameworks for Python

Scrapy is one of the most popular web crawling and scraping frameworks for Python (10th in Github most trending Python projects) used to write spiders for crawling and extracting data from websites.


the most popular Open Source & free alternative to ScrapingProject

- Scrapy is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to ScrapingProject.


a very popular open source Python scraping framework for extracting data

Scrapy is a very popular open source Python scraping framework for extracting data.
