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Your search for What is room tone returned the following results:

a recording of the room’s tone

Room tone ’s a recording of the room’s tone.


a recorded element of sound design, , often employed in the movie industryto impress the sonic ambience of a depicted environment

A room tone is a recorded element of sound design, often employed in the movie industry, to impress the sonic ambience of a depicted environment.


a recorded element of sound design, often employed in the movie industry,

A room tone is a recorded element of sound design, often employed in the movie industry, to impress the sonic ambience of a depicted environment.


the ambient sound of a space typically captured at the end of a shoot

For those who aren’t familiar with film and video production, “room tone” is the ambient sound of a space typically captured at the end of a shoot.


the background, ambient noise of the location

Room tone is the background, ambient noise of the location: machine hums, wind in the trees, traffic from outside, whatever is going on there.


the specific and very individual background noise that is present in every room – the signature of a room one could say

A ‘room tone’ is the specific and very individual background noise that is present in every room – the signature of a room one could say.


an expression used in the post‑production world to refer to continuous background noise from sources such as air conditioning, distant traffic, domestic appliances and so on, rather than to room acoustics

‘Room tone’ is an expression used in the post‑production world to refer to continuous background noise from sources such as air conditioning, distant traffic, domestic appliances and so on, rather than to room acoustics.


the sound of the space itself

Room tone is, essentially, the sound of the space itself.

the sound of the space , the 'sound of silence' itself

Room tone is the sound of the space itself, the 'sound of silence' if you will.

a sound technique that professional sound engineers on feature films use for helping out the sound editor

Room Tone is a sound technique that professional sound engineers on feature films use for helping out the sound editor.

a computer program that generates sounds drawn from a database of approximately 1,000 room tones through four separate channels

Room Tone is run by a computer program that generates sounds drawn from a database of approximately 1,000 room tones through four separate channels.
