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Your search for What is population of paris returned the following results:

with an area of 105 square km & population of 2,206,488

Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, with an area of 105 square km & population of 2,206,488.


of 2,241,346

The City of Paris has an area of 105.4 square kilometres (40.7 square miles) and had a population of 2,241,346 within 40.7 square miles's city limits in 2014.

of 12 million

Paris has a population of 12 million, similar to that of London and is already a major player as a global financial services center.


of 2.2 million

Paris may have a population of 2.2 million, but everything is easily reachable.


with an administrative-limits area of 105km2 and a 2015 population of 2,229,621

Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, with an administrative-limits area of 105km2 and a 2015 population of 2,229,621.


of 2,153,600

Paris has an estimated population of 2,153,600 within France's administrative limits.


and a metropolitan population of 12,161,542 of 2,234,105

As of January 2009 the city of Paris, within its administrative limits (the 20 arrondissements) largely unchanged since 1860, has an estimated population of 2,234,105 and a metropolitan population of 12,161,542, and is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe.


with a population of 11.3 million

Situated on the banks of the Seine River with a population of 11.3 million, Paris is France’s capital and considered by many to be the most stylish and romantic city in Europe, perhaps even the world.

with an area of 105 square kilometres and an official estimated population of 2,140,526 residents as of 1 January 2019

Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, with an area of 105 square kilometres and an official estimated population of 2,140,526 residents as of 1 January 2019.



The population of the city of Paris was 2,125,246 at the 1999 census, lower than Paris's historical peak of 2.9 million in 1921.


with 2.2 million inhabitants in the city area and 12.2 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area one of the biggest cities in the Western World

Paris is the capital of France and with 2.2 million inhabitants in the city area and 12.2 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area one of the biggest cities in the Western World.


the capital city of France with a current population of over 2.2 million

Paris is the capital city of France with a current population of over 2.2 million.


with 2.2 million inhabitants and as the official language

Paris is the historic capital and most populous city in France, with 2.2 million inhabitants and French as the official language.


2 193 031 inhabitants

Population of Paris was 2 193 031 inhabitants in 2007.


France's capital and largest city with a population of about 2.2 million (over 10 million in the greater Paris area

Paris is both France's capital and largest city with a population of about 2.2 million (over 10 million in the greater Paris area).


with a budget of nearly €10 billion for 2.2 million inhabitants and

Paris is a very well-funded municipality, with a budget of nearly €10 billion for 2.2 million inhabitants and a powerful and capable administration.
