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that connects different systems to one another

In general, middleware is software that connects different systems to one another.


software that links applications

Acting much like the glue that holds a mosaic together, middleware is software that links applications, allowing them to exchange data without putting the onus on customers to write the connecting code themselves.


software and the applications that sits in the middle of an operating system (OS) that run on the applications enabling communication between them and databases

In essence, middleware is software that sits in the middle of an operating system (OS) and the applications that run on the applications enabling communication between them and databases.


that executes between the server receiving a request and sending a response

In this context, middleware is any code that executes between the server receiving a request and sending a response.

a function that can access the request and response objects

A middleware is actually a function that can access the request and response objects.

the software which manages the whole data for the application

Middle¬ware is the software which manages the whole data for the application.

software products or services which are developed by you for use by third-parties for creation of third-party's software products and which are included as a part of third-party's software products or services

Middleware' means software products or services which are developed by you for use by third-parties for creation of third-party's software products and which are included as a part of third-party's software products or services.


software that allows different components such as applications and servers to interact with each other seamlessly

In a complex computing environment, middleware is software that allows different components such as applications and servers to interact with each other seamlessly.


software that acts as a bridge between applications and databases

Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between applications and databases and allows data to be more easily integrated.

any type of software that facilitates communications between two or more software systems

In other words, middleware is any type of software that facilitates communications between two or more software systems.

that connects distributed applications across different physical locations

Middleware is the bridge that connects distributed applications across different physical locations,.. Broad and up to date coverage of the principles and practice in this fast moving area.


software that is invisible to the user

Middleware, which is quickly becoming synonymous with enterprise applications integration (EAI), is software that is invisible to the user.
