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Your search for What is kenpo returned the following results:

a living Art which exists and grows through its schools, instructors and students

Kenpo is a living Art which exists and grows through its schools, instructors and students, and which provides a solid structure of responsible leadership, administrators, and qualified instructors.


a growing community of friendly knowledge seekers enjoying the road we walk down

We are a growing community of friendly knowledge seekers enjoying the road we walk down, while exploring that wonderous art known as Kenpo!


a full-force sport

Kenpo is a full-force sport, consequently a reality.


aka Kempo

Kenpo (aka Kempo), as originally practised was the "gateway" between Kung Fu and Karate.


Ultimate Kempo

Ultimate Kempo (also known as kenpo) is more than a book about technique and style; it’s a study of movement, motion and balance that can enhance anyone’s study of the martial arts.


a Japanese word

Kenpo is a Japanese word that option delta calculation matlab Chinese boxing, your best option was the internet.


a Japanese martial art

Kenpo (or Kenpo Karate) is a Japanese martial art.


an American translation for “Kempo”

“Kenpo” is an American translation for “Kempo”.


an interesting style of Martial Arts in that Martial Arts

Kenpo is an interesting style of Martial Arts in that Martial Arts shows how cultures can merge and benefit with learning from one another.


Unlike the traditional karate styles developed to teach PE to Japanese school children

Unlike the traditional karate styles developed to teach PE to Japanese school children, Kenpo is a modern, street defense focused system based on practical, natural movement and logical, scientific principles.
