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Your search for What is kashmir returned the following results:

the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent

Kashmir is the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent.


one of the most beautiful places in India

Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places in India.


the northernmost geographical region of South Asia

Kashmir is the northernmost geographical region of South Asia and is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan.

a multi-faceted diamond

Set like a jewelled crown on the map of India, Kashmir is a multi-faceted diamond, changing a multi-faceted diamond's hues with the seasons – always extravagantly beautiful.


one of the most militarised regions in the world

Kashmir is one of the most militarised regions in the world, as India has stationed about half a million soldiers in the disputed territory.

the Palestine of Central/South Asia

In shorthand terms, Kashmir is the Palestine of Central/South Asia.


the most beautiful place on earth

Cradled in the lap of majestic mountains of the Himalayas, Kashmir is the most beautiful place on earth.


a disputed territory that is split into three zones: India control, Pakistan control, and China control

Kashmir is a disputed territory that is split into three zones: India control, Pakistan control, and China control.

the beauty of India, referred to as India's Switzerland

Kashmir is the beauty of India, referred to as India's Switzerland; Kashmir is a place worth watching.