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Your search for What is hubris returned the following results:

an ancient Greek concept meaning excess of pride that carries connotations of reckless vanity and heedless self-absorbment, often to the point of carelessly endangering the welfare of others in the process

Hubris is an ancient Greek concept meaning excess of pride that carries connotations of reckless vanity and heedless self-absorbment, often to the point of carelessly endangering the welfare of others in the process.


an ancient greek word that means extreme pride or arrogance

Hubris is an ancient greek word that means extreme pride or arrogance.

an ancient Greek concept meaning excess of pride that carries connotations of reckless vanity and heedless self-absorbtion, often to the point of carelessly endangering the welfare of others in the process

Hubris is an ancient Greek concept meaning excess of pride that carries connotations of reckless vanity and heedless self-absorbtion, often to the point of carelessly endangering the welfare of others in the process.


an ancient Greek word meaning extreme arrogance

Hubris is an ancient Greek word meaning extreme arrogance.

a VR action-adventure game , with immersive movement optionsincluding swimmingclimbingand jumping set in a unique and colourful Sci-Fi universe, , ,

Hubris is a VR action-adventure game set in a unique and colourful Sci-Fi universe, with immersive movement options, including swimming, climbing, and jumping.


the characteristic of excessive confidence or arrogance, which leads a person to believe that Hubris or Hubris may do no wrong

Hubris is the characteristic of excessive confidence or arrogance, which leads a person to believe that Hubris or Hubris may do no wrong. .


the word ancient Greeks used to describe when someone’s extreme arrogance led to ancient Greeks losing touch with the world around ancient Greeks

Hubris is the word ancient Greeks used to describe when someone’s extreme arrogance led to ancient Greeks losing touch with the world around ancient Greeks .


excessive confidence or arrogance leading a person to believe they may do no wrong

Hubris is excessive confidence or arrogance leading a person to believe they may do no wrong.

one of the great renewable resources

Hubris is one of the great renewable resources.


arrogance, an overbearing pride or presumption that distorts men’s perception of reality

Simply defined, hubris is arrogance, an overbearing pride or presumption that distorts men’s perception of reality.


Aristotle’s term for excessive, blinding pride

Hubris is Aristotle’s term for excessive, blinding pride.


the excessive pride and arrogance that consumes a character and often leads to Macbeth's downfall

Define hubris in literature: In summation, hubris is the excessive pride and arrogance that consumes a character and often leads to Macbeth's downfall.


a weird fantasy setting that uses the DCC rules

Hubris is a weird fantasy setting that uses the DCC rules!
