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Your search for What is heraldry returned the following results:

Designing, displaying, and preserving coats of arms and heraldic badges

Designing, displaying, and preserving coats of arms and heraldic badges is known as heraldry.

a broad term

Heraldry Heraldry () is a broad term, encompassing the design, display, and study of armorial bearings (known as armory), as well as related disciplines, such as vexillology, together with the study of ceremony, rank, and pedigree.


a system of visual identification that started in the Middle Ages to differentiate knights on the battle field

Heraldry is a system of visual identification that started in the Middle Ages to differentiate knights on the battle field.


the science and art that deals with the use, display, and regulation of hereditary symbols employed to distinguish individuals, institutions, and corporations

Heraldry is the science and art that deals with the use, display, and regulation of hereditary symbols employed to distinguish individuals, institutions, and corporations.

The design and display of a coat-of-arms

The design and display of a coat-of-arms is known as heraldry.


a discipline relating to the design, display and study of armorial bearings, as well as related disciplines, such as vexillology, together with the study of ceremony, rank and pedigree

Heraldry is a discipline relating to the design, display and study of armorial bearings, as well as related disciplines, such as vexillology, together with the study of ceremony, rank and pedigree.


the profession, study, or art of creating, granting, and blazoning arms and ruling on questions of rank or protocol,

Heraldry is the profession, study, or art of creating, granting, and blazoning arms and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms.


Heraldry refers to the crest or emblem associated with royal and noble families.

Europe's oldest, most visual and strictly regulated form of identity

Heraldry is Europe's oldest, most visual and strictly regulated form of identity and it surrounds us in Britain, giving clues to our history and surroundings,'

the science and art of designing, displaying, describing and recording coats of arms and badges, as well as the formal ceremonies and laws that regulate the use and inheritance of arms

Heraldry is the science and art of designing, displaying, describing and recording coats of arms and badges, as well as the formal ceremonies and laws that regulate the use and inheritance of arms.


a discipline , as well as related disciplinessuch as vexillologytogether with the study of ceremonyrank and pedigree relating to the design, display and study of armorial bearings (known as armory), , ,

Heraldry is a discipline relating to the design, display and study of armorial bearings (known as armory), as well as related disciplines, such as vexillology, together with the study of ceremony, rank and pedigree.


the science which teaches how to blazon or describe in proper terms armorial bearings and their accessories

Heraldry is the science which teaches how to blazon or describe in proper terms armorial bearings and their accessories.


the science and art of designing, displayingdescribing and recording coats of arms and badges, as well as the formal ceremonies and laws , that regulate the use and inheritance of arms

Heraldry is the science and art of designing, displaying, describing and recording coats of arms and badges, as well as the formal ceremonies and laws that regulate the use and inheritance of arms.
