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Your search for What is heat stroke returned the following results:

an emergency that requires immediate and prompt treatment

Heat stroke is an emergency that requires immediate and prompt treatment.


a medical emergency that occurs when the body can no longer cool itself

Heat stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when the body can no longer cool itself.


The most severe form of heat injury

The most severe form of heat injury is heat stroke.


the most serious kind of heat-related illness

Heat stroke is the most serious kind of heat-related illness and requires immediate emergency medical attention.

a medical emergency which can be fatal if not treated immediately

Heat stroke is a medical emergency which can be fatal if not treated immediately.


a medical emergency in which patients present with rectal core temperature of 105°F or greater, multiorgan damage, and central nervous dysfunction

Heat stroke is a medical emergency in which patients present with rectal core temperature of 105°F or greater, multiorgan damage, and central nervous dysfunction.


an emergency condition in which thermoregulation fails and the body temperature rises above

Heat stroke is an emergency condition in which thermoregulation fails and the body temperature rises above .


an emergency that requires immediate veterinary attention

Heat stroke is an emergency that requires immediate veterinary attention.

a medical emergency that can result in brain and/or internal organ damage

Heat stroke is a medical emergency that can result in brain and/or internal organ damage.


a medical emergency that, when untreated, can be deadly

Heat stroke is a medical emergency that, when untreated, can be deadly.


a medical emergency >40.5°C characterized by a core temperature

Heat stroke is a medical emergency characterized by a core temperature >40.5°C and altered mental status.

an emergency condition after being exposed to high environmental temperatures where the body’s core temperature is markedly elevated (depending on who provides the definition, about 104 F [40 C] or above in adults and 105 F or 40.5 C in children) combined with neurological symptoms and loss of body thermal auto regulation (ability of the brain to control the body temperature)

Heat stroke is an emergency condition where the body’s core temperature is markedly elevated (depending on who provides the definition, about 104 F [40 C] or above in adults and 105 F or 40.5 C in children) after being exposed to high environmental temperatures combined with neurological symptoms and loss of body thermal auto regulation (ability of the brain to control the body temperature).

a life-threatening medical condition

If not addressed, the body can lead to heat stroke, which is a life-threatening medical condition.
