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Your search for What is gibson's paradox returned the following results:

a positive relationship between the interest rate and the price level

The Gibson paradox, long observed by economists and named by John Maynard Keynes (1936), is a positive relationship between the interest rate and the price level.

the observed correlation between the price level and wholesale borrowing costs

Gibson’s paradox is the observed correlation between the price level and wholesale borrowing costs, and the lack of correlation between borrowing costs and the rate of inflation.


regarding the positive correlation between interest rates and wholesale price levels

Gibson's Paradox is an economic observation made by British economist Alfred Herbert Gibson regarding the positive correlation between interest rates and wholesale price levels.


the observed, long-run, positive correlation between interest rates and the price level in Great Britain under the gold standard

Gibson’s paradox is the observed, long-run, positive correlation between interest rates and the price level in Great Britain under the gold standard.

to a British economist, Alfred Herbert Gibson who observed the correlation between interest rates and in Alfred Herbert Gibson's article written in 1923 wholesale price levels

The Gibsons Paradox is attributed to a British economist, Alfred Herbert Gibson who observed the correlation between interest rates and wholesale price levels in Alfred Herbert Gibson's article written in 1923.

a phenomenon , first observed under the classical gold standardwhen long-term interest rates moved in tandem with the general price level

: 'Gibson's Paradox is a phenomenon first observed under the classical gold standard, when long-term interest rates moved in tandem with the general price level.


to a puzzling phenomenon that was observed in the early part of the 20th century, where interest rates and prices seemed to move in opposite directions

The Gibson paradox refers to a puzzling phenomenon that was observed in the early part of the 20th century, where interest rates and prices seemed to move in opposite directions; precisely, during the period between 1896 and 1930, interest rates in the United States tended to rise when prices were falling, and vice versa.
