Smart answer:

Your search for What is firefox returned the following results:

the most popular free and open source Web browser, developed by the Mozilla Foundation

Firefox - Firefox is the most popular free and open source Web browser, developed by the Mozilla Foundation.


a free and open-source web browser developed by Mozilla foundation and Mozilla Corporation

Firefox� is a free and open-source web browser developed by Mozilla foundation and Mozilla Corporation.

a browser -- a program used to view Web pages --

Firefox is a browser -- a program used to view Web pages --


an open- source web browser which provides excellent browsing speed, rich suite of customization options to personalize your daily Internet sessions, clean navigation mode, as well as extensions provided by third- party developers for adding extra functions

Firefox is an open- source web browser which provides excellent browsing speed, rich suite of customization options to personalize your daily Internet sessions, clean navigation mode, as well as extensions provided by third- party developers for adding extra functions.

a suitable web browser

download Firefox is a suitable web browser if you carry out research online.


an alternative web browser

description The remote host is using Firefox, an alternative web browser.


that you can use to visit web pages and search the Web, developed by Mozilla Corporation

Firefox is an Internet browser that you can use to visit web pages and search the Web, developed by Mozilla Corporation.


the most all-round web browser

Perhaps the most all-round web browser is Firefox.


The installed web browser

Firefox (version 25 is the installed Web browser, and LibreOffice is the installed Office suite (Apache OpenOffice is not in the repository).

The only Web browser preinstalled

The only Web browser preinstalled is Firefox, but The only Web browser includes numerous plug-ins by default.