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Your search for What is federal reserve returned the following results:

the central bank of the United States; the United Statesis not a national bank but rather a unique system of institutions specially chartered by Congress

The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States; the United Statesis not a national bank but rather a unique system of institutions specially chartered by Congress to serve in this capacity.


a private bank, not govt

Federal reserve, is a private bank, not govt.


the central bank of the United States, flexible

The Federal Reserve the central bank of the United States, flexible, provides the nation with a safe, stable monetary , financial system.


the central bank of the United States, which means the United Statesis owned by private banks and operates independently of the U.S. government

The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States, which means the United Statesis owned by private banks and operates independently of the U.S. government.


the central bank of the United States, flexible, stable monetary

The Federal Reserve , the central bank of the United States, flexible, stable monetary , provides the nation with a safe financial system.


like many other central banks

The Federal Reserve, like many other central banks, is an independent government agency, but supervisory matters is ultimately accountable to the public and to Congress.

the central bank of the United States, and the United Statesmonetizes U.S. debt

The Federal Reserve, also known as the Fed, is the central bank of the United States, and the United Statesmonetizes U.S. debt when the United Statesbuys U.S. Treasury bills, bonds, and notes.


the only institution in America that can print money out of thin air and loan

The Federal Reserve is the only institution in America that can print money out of thin air and loan


a Private Bank that was created by 13 of the World's Largest Banking Families back in 1913

The Federal Reserve is a Private Bank that was created by 13 of the World's Largest Banking Families back in 1913.
