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Your search for What is fair market value returned the following results:

the price at which property would change hands between a buyer and a seller, neither being forced to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all the relevant facts

Fair market value is the price at which property would change hands between a buyer and a seller, neither being forced to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all the relevant facts.


willing buyer, willing seller

Fair market value is willing buyer, willing seller.

the highest price

Fair market value is 'the highest price, expressed in a dollar amount that the property (good) would bring, in an open and unrestricted market, between a willing buyer and a willing seller who are knowledgeable, informed and prudent and who are acting independently of each other'.


the price a property would bring on the open market

Do note, fair market value is the price a property would bring on the open market, assuming an informed buyer will buy, but is not compelled to buy; and an informed seller will sell, but is not compelled to sell.

an estimate of the market value of an asset , based on what a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured buyer would likely pay to a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured seller

A fair market value is an estimate of the market value of an asset, based on what a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured buyer would likely pay to a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured seller.


the price that a willing, rational, and knowledgeable buyer would pay

Fair market value is the price that a willing, rational, and knowledgeable buyer would pay.


that a willing buyer and willing seller, at arms’ length, would transact at

Fair market value is the price that a willing buyer and willing seller, at arms’ length, would transact at.

the price which a willing buyer will pay a willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or sell

“Fair market value is the price which a willing buyer will pay a willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or sell….”

the highest price reasonably expected for an interest in land when sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer after adequate time and exposure to the market

Fair market value, also known as market value, is the highest price reasonably expected for an interest in land when sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer after adequate time and exposure to the market.


the highest price the buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price the seller is willing to accept

Fair Market Value is the highest price the buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price the seller is willing to accept.


highest price that a property would bring in an open and unrestricted market between a willing buyer and a willing seller who are both knowledgeable, informed, and prudent, and who are acting independently of each other

Fair market value is highest price that a property would bring in an open and unrestricted market between a willing buyer and a willing seller who are both knowledgeable, informed, and prudent, and who are acting independently of each other.


the highest price on the date of valuation that would be agreed to by a seller, being willing to sell but under no particular or urgent necessity for so doing, nor obliged to sell, and a buyer, being ready, willing, and able to buy but under no particular necessity for so doing, each dealing with the other with full knowledge of all the uses and purposes for which the property is reasonably adaptable and available

Fair market value is “the highest price on the date of valuation that would be agreed to by a seller, being willing to sell but under no particular or urgent necessity for so doing, nor obliged to sell, and a buyer, being ready, willing, and able to buy but under no particular necessity for so doing, each dealing with the other with full knowledge of all the uses and purposes for which the property is reasonably adaptable and available.”


the amount of money a well-informed buyer and seller would accept for property in an open and competitive market without any outside influence

Fair market value is the amount of money a well-informed buyer and seller would accept for property in an open and competitive market without any outside influence.
