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Your search for What is earthing returned the following results:

your body making direct contact with the earth

Earthing is your body making direct contact with the earth; either your hands in the dirt, your feet on the grass/sand, your body lying on the earth, etc.

a fast-growing movement based upon the major discovery that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy is foundational for vibrant health

Earthing is a fast-growing movement based upon the major discovery that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy is foundational for vibrant health.


the process of reconnecting to the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field

Earthing is the process of reconnecting to the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field, almost like a recalibration for a device (you) that’s been overtaxed.

connection your body to the earth

Earthing is simply connection your body to the earth.

a fundamental safety machine utilized in electric installations

Earthing is a fundamental safety machine utilized in electric installations.

Transfer of charge from a charged body to earth

Transfer of charge from a charged body to earth is called earthing.

the practice of walking barefoot on the ground

Earthing is actually the practice of walking barefoot on the ground.

the act of coming into contact with the earth without wearing shoes

Earthing is the act of coming into contact with the earth without wearing shoes in order to release negative energy.


Earthing means the connection of the electrical equipment to the ground or earth.


the process of grounding ourselves

In a nutshell: Earthing is the process of grounding ourselves (in a similar way that we “ground” our electrical outlets).


the discovery that this energy upholds the electrical stability of our bodies

Earthing is the discovery that this energy upholds the electrical stability of our bodies.


a safety outlet, which allows leaking electricity to be conducted away harmlessly and not through the body

Earthing is a safety outlet, which allows leaking electricity to be conducted away harmlessly and not through the body.


a self-healing techniqueis free to all

Earthing is a self-healing technique, a self-healing techniqueis free to all and can be done anywhere that you can get outdoors and physically connect some part of your bare skin to the “skin” of Mother Earth!

ideally your bare feet, to the earth

In the most basic sense, earthing is simply the action of grounding your skin, ideally your bare feet, to the earth.
