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Your search for What is deflation returned the following results:

the opposite of inflation

Deflation is the opposite of inflation insofar as inflation is characterized by reductions in the aggregate level of prices and wages in the economy.


a drop in the general price level

Deflation is a drop in the general price level.


the rise in the value of money and the decline in the value of assets

DEFLATION is the rise in the value of money and the decline in the value of assets.


an economic term used to describe a period of declining prices for goods and services

Deflation is an economic term used to describe a period of declining prices for goods and services.

a fall in the price of goods and services

Deflation is a fall in the price of goods and services.

the opposite of inflation, when prices of goods and services go down

Deflation is the opposite of inflation, when prices of goods and services go down.

a period of falling prices

Deflation is a period of falling prices, and Japan offers plenty of examples of this phenomenon over the last 20 years or more.

a prolonged drop in prices and wages that can make people unwilling to spend

Deflation is a prolonged drop in prices and wages, which can make people unwilling to spend.

the implementation of the stable measuring unit assumption during low inflation, high inflation and hyperinflation

deflation is the implementation of the stable measuring unit assumption during low inflation, high inflation and hyperinflation.

the term economists use to describe a “general decline in prices, often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit

Deflation is the term economists use to describe a “general decline in prices, often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit.”

the opposite, a net decrease in money supply and credit

Deflation is the opposite -- a net decrease in money supply and credit.

a broad-based decline in consumer prices, or the opposite of inflation

Deflation is a broad-based decline in consumer prices, or the opposite of inflation.

a vicious cycle

Deflation can be a vicious cycle, in that the behaviour that the behaviour induces (saving instead of investing) can cause further deflation, because when people don’t expect growth, they don’t invest and don’t spend.

the decrease in prices of goods and services due to more supply and very less demand

Deflation: is the decrease in prices of goods and services due to more supply and very less demand.

the phenomenon where cash grows in value relative to everything around everything

Deflation is the phenomenon where cash grows in value relative to everything around everything