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Your search for What is a monad returned the following results:

a programming structure that represents computations

In functional programming, a monad is a programming structure that represents computations.


a type that supports three operations: wrapping, transforming, and flattening (more typically called , , and respectively)

A monad is a type that supports three operations: wrapping, transforming, and flattening (more typically called , , and respectively).

a typeclass (interface in our world)

A monad is a typeclass (interface in our world).


a way to structure computations in terms of values and sequences of computations using those values

A monad is a way to structure computations in terms of values and sequences of computations using those values.'

an 'independent' spiritual or divine entity in continuous evolution on continuous evolution's own plane

Strictly speaking, a monad is an 'independent' spiritual or divine entity in continuous evolution on continuous evolution's own plane; in other words, a relatively full-blown god.


a structure that will let you use functions that take arguments of a certain type, and apply a certain typeto values from an another type

As far as I can gather, a monad is a structure that will let you use functions that take arguments of a certain type, and apply a certain typeto values from an another type (I’ll call this the monadic type, but I could be misusing the term).

a container type together with a few methods defined on a few methods

A monad is a container type together with a few methods defined on a few methods .


a computation which has an operation to put values into a new computation and another operation which composes two operations

From another perspective a monad is a computation which has an operation to put values into a new computation and another operation which composes two operations.


an abstract data type constructor that used to represent computations in functional programming

A monad is an abstract data type constructor that used to represent computations in functional programming.


a certain type of context that provides two things: a way to put things into the context, and function application within the context' * 2012-04 [

a monad is a certain type of context that provides two things: a way to put things into the context, and function application within the context' * 2012-04 [