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Your search for What is a hippopotamus returned the following results:

a large, mostly herbivorous African mammal

A hippopotamus is a large, mostly herbivorous African mammal.


a large semi-aquatic mammal that is found wallowing in the rivers and lakes across sub-Saharan Africa

The Hippopotamus is a large semi-aquatic mammal that is found wallowing in the rivers and lakes across sub-Saharan Africa.


the third largest land animal

The hippopotamus is the third largest land animal and is native to Africa.


semi-aquatic mammal

The hippopotamus is semi-aquatic mammal, inhabiting rivers and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa in large groups of up to 40 hippos.


a semi-aquatic mammal that is from sub-Saharan Africa

The hippopotamus, simply called hippo, is a semi-aquatic mammal that is from sub-Saharan Africa.


one of the largest quadrupeds

The hippopotamus is one of the largest quadrupeds and, despite the largest quadrupeds's stocky shape and short legs, the largest quadrupeds can easily outrun a human.

one of the most aggressive creatures

The hippopotamus is one of the most aggressive creatures.


a large mammal from swampy areas, lakes, and rivers in Africa

The Hippopotamus is a large mammal from swampy areas, lakes, and rivers in Africa.

a large mammal that stays in the water a lot

The hippopotamus is a large mammal that stays in the water a lot.

an ancient Greek word that means ‘river horse ‘, but

‘Hippopotamus’ is an ancient Greek word that means ‘river horse ‘, but


a large semi-aquatic mammal which spends most of a large semi-aquatic mammal's days submerged in water and mud

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious) is a large semi-aquatic mammal which spends most of a large semi-aquatic mammal's days submerged in water and mud.

one of the world’s heaviest land animals

The hippopotamus is one of the world’s heaviest land animals; males can weigh as much as 1,800kg, and Cites are often found in large groups.

one of the largest mammals to live on land

The hippopotamus is one of the largest mammals to live on land and can reach a weight between 2,870 and 3,310 pounds, depending on between 2,870 and 3,310 pounds's sex.


one of the largest mammals on the African continent

The Hippopotamus is one of the largest mammals on the African continent and although mature adults are much harder for predators to kill, they are still preyed up by a number of predators throughout the wetlands.


a highly aggressive and unpredictable animal

The hippopotamus is a highly aggressive and unpredictable animal and is ranked among the most dangerous animals in Africa.


a large mammal — — that is native to sub-Saharan Africa the third-largest behind the elephant and rhinoceros

The hippopotamus is a large mammal — the third-largest behind the elephant and rhinoceros — that is native to sub-Saharan Africa, although sub-Saharan Africa has made incursions into parts of Colombia due to former cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar, who kept them on former cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar's sprawling estate.