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Your search for What is a fade returned the following results:

a transition between scenes where one scene slowly fades out as the next scene fades in, most times over the course of 1-3 seconds

A FADE is a transition between scenes where one scene slowly fades out as the next scene fades in, most times over the course of 1-3 seconds.


a stroke played with the effect that, for a right-handed player, the ball moves from left to right during flight

A fade is a stroke played with the effect that, for a right-handed player, the ball moves from left to right during flight.


a haircut where the back and sides are faded from the temple downwards, to a length anywhere below a grade two

“A fade is a haircut where the back and sides are faded from the temple downwards, to a length anywhere below a grade two.


a specialized shot that moves from right to left for a right-handed golfer

A fade is a specialized shot that moves from right to left for a right-handed golfer.


a style where the hair, well, fades gradually from the bottom up

A fade is a style where the hair, well, fades gradually from the bottom up.


a scene gradually disappearing or appearing

A fade is a scene gradually disappearing or appearing.


an extreme type of taper cut, where the hair on the sides and back is cut very, very close to the head

A fade is an extreme type of taper cut, where the hair on the sides and back is cut very, very close to the head

a kind of a taper haircut

In two different cuts's essence, a fade is a kind of a taper haircut.


a player to avoid using

A fade is a player to avoid using, typically they’re highly-owned.


an investment strategy devoted to doing the opposite of the prevailing wisdom

A fade is an investment strategy devoted to doing the opposite of the prevailing wisdom.
