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Your search for What is API returned the following results:

a modern-day Application Programming Interface ()

The quickest way to satisfy a business requirement using your company’s information assets is a modern-day Application Programming Interface (API).


Academic Performance Index ()

The Academic Performance Index (API) is an annual measure of the academic performance and progress of schools in California.

the JavaScript application programming interface ()

A RESTful web service that works well with the JavaScript programming language is the JavaScript application programming interface (API).

for Application Programming Interface, which is a part of a software application that allows for interfacing with other software applications

API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a part of a software application that allows for interfacing with other software applications.


Web Application Programming Interface ()

One such core component that has played as a key component towards the web service is the concept of Web Application Programming Interface (API).


for Application Programming Interface and web developers

API stands for Application Programming Interface and web developers use web developers to connect different applications irrespective of their platforms to share information.


the application programming

According to Wikipedia: API is the application programming Interface(API) for both web server and web browser.


an application programming interface (API) capable of taking actions tied to physical objects in the real world and creating digital events based on what happens with them

It’s an application programming interface (API) capable of taking actions tied to physical objects in the real world and creating digital events based on what happens with them.


‘Application programming Interface ()’, provided data

data is independent of transport mechanism and transport ‘Application programming Interface (API)’, provided data realizes a reliable transport base.


an application programming interface for the Service through which a Customer can obtain access to Content or Data applicable to such application programming interface

API means an application programming interface for the Service through which a Customer can obtain access to Content or Data applicable to such application programming interface.


an extensible application programming interface (API) designed to scale for use in a range of domains, from first-party call control in a consumer device to third-party call control in large distributed call centers

It is an extensible application programming interface (API) designed to scale for use in a range of domains, from first-party call control in a consumer device to third-party call control in large distributed call centers.


Habitica's application programming interface

Habitica's application programming interface (API) allows programmers to create third-party applications, extensions, and other tools that interface with Habitica.


Chargebee's application programming interface

Chargebee's application programming interface (API) lets small businesses integrate recurring payments into their websites, apps and ecommerce operations.

a well-defined REST Application Programming Interface ()

In the Microservices architecture, each business capability is a self-contained service with a well-defined REST Application Programming Interface (API).


CRXzone application programming interface

CRXzone application programming interface (API) allows our clients to access trading platform for automatic trading, control their accounts by receiving information about trades and funds movement, etc.


all business services - Application Programming Interfaces ()

The road to digital adoption has many emerging technologies in force but working silently behind the scenes and aiding this rapid acceleration, is the unseen ‘super glue’ of all business services - Application Programming Interfaces (API).

Writing Client Server Programs in C U An Application Programming Interface (API)

Writing Client Server Programs in C U An Application Programming Interface (API) used.


a shipping application programming interface ()

One solution for online retailers who are shipping business to-consumer via the Postal Service is a shipping application programming interface (API).


an Application Programming Interface () for creating a customized content management system

A content management framework is an Application Programming Interface (API) for creating a customized content management system.