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Your search for What are taxicab numbers returned the following results:

Numbers that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes in two different ways

Numbers that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes in two different ways are referred to as Taxicab numbers or Hardy-Ramanujan numbers.


the positive numbers representable in minimum 2 ways as a sum of positive cubes

Taxicab numbers are the positive numbers representable in minimum 2 ways as a sum of positive cubes.


a number that is the first number expressible as a sum of two (positive) cubes in x different ways

While a taxicab number is a number that is the first number expressible as a sum of two (positive) cubes in x different ways, a cabtaxi number is the first number expressible as a sum of two positiive, zero, or negative cubes in x different ways -in other words, the sum of difference of two positive, zero, or negative cubes.


positive numbers representable in minimum 2 ways as a sum of positive cubes

Taxicab numbers are the positive numbers representable in minimum 2 ways as a sum of positive cubes.



The Fifth Taxicab Number is 48988659276962496, J. Integer Sequences, Vol. 2, 1999, #99.1.9.


the number 1729

Since then the number 1729 has been known as the taxicab number and is denoted as denoted Ta(n) or Taxicab(n) in mathematics.


48988659276962496' Return to the Journal of Integer Sequences home page

The Fifth Taxicab Number is 48988659276962496' Return to the Journal of Integer Sequences home page.


the smallest integer that can be expressed as a sum of two positive third powers in n distinct ways

A taxicab number is the smallest integer that can be expressed as a sum of two positive third powers in n distinct ways.


as T(n

The nth taxicab number, denoted as T(n), is defined as the smallest number that can be expressed as a sum of two positive algebraic cubes in n distinct ways (source: wikipedia).

01524 32090, 01524 848848

Taxi company numbers are 01524 32090, 01524 848848.


a well known form of public transport for a single passenger or a small group of passengers

Taxicabs are a well known form of public transport for a single passenger or a small group of passengers.


any motor vehicle , except a limousine or designed or constructed to accommodate and transport passengers for hire, not more than nine (9) in number, exclusive of the driver sedan

Taxicab' means any motor vehicle except a limousine or sedan designed or constructed to accommodate and transport passengers for hire, not more than nine (9) in number, exclusive of the driver, and the principal operation of which is confined to the area within the corporate limits of cities and suburban territory adjacent to the cities, and not operated on a fixed route or schedule.


c3+d3 have been known as taxi-cab numbers ever since, and a field of mathematics has opened up finding higher order versions, such as 87539319, the smallest number that is equal to the sum of two cubes in three different ways.