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Your search for What are processors returned the following results:

the brains of any computing system

Processors are the brains of any computing system, and PowerEdge servers leverage the latest improvements in processor technology to deliver enhanced performance, energy efficiency and support for advanced memory and Input Output

one of the most important components of a computer system

In the world of computing, processors are one of the most important components of a computer system.


those that process data on behalf of a controller

Processors are those that process data on behalf of a controller.

persons offering fresh food products (such as meats, seafood, ciders, wines, baked goods, jams, nuts, etc.)

Processors are persons offering fresh food products (such as meats, seafood, ciders, wines, baked goods, jams, nuts, etc.)


the entities that process information (that is, store, transmit, analyze, or otherwise use personal information) based on the controller’s instructions

Processors are the entities that process information (that is, store, transmit, analyze, or otherwise use personal information) based on the controller’s instructions.

persons that process personal data on behalf of controllers

The Act defines “controllers,” “processors,” and “personal data” similarly to Virginia’s CDPA: controllers are persons that determine the purposes and means of processing personal data either alone or jointly; processors are persons that process personal data on behalf of controllers; and personal data is information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable individual excluding de-identified and publicly available data.

a mechanism to do general work over the data stream

Processors are a mechanism to do general work over the data stream.

natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies which process Personal Data on behalf of Bricsys

Processors are natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies which process Personal Data on behalf of Bricsys.


natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies that process Personal Data on behalf of IFFS

Processors are natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies that process Personal Data on behalf of IFFS.


computing devices which execute programmed instructions stored in an associated memory (or internally within a cache memory associated with the processor)

Processors are computing devices which execute programmed instructions stored in an associated memory (or internally within a cache memory associated with the processor).


natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies that process Personal Data on behalf of GovLog

Processors are natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies that process Personal Data on behalf of GovLog.


natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies that process Personal Data on behalf of Gosselin Group

Processors are natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies that process Personal Data on behalf of Gosselin Group.


businesses that handle hemp crops including drying, storing, trimming, extracting, and manufacturing

Processors are businesses that handle hemp crops including drying, storing, trimming, extracting, and manufacturing.

organizations with which we share personal data in the context of our business operations

Processors are organizations with which we share personal data in the context of our business operations.


the only Component ) to which access is given to create, remove, modify, or inspect FlowFiles (data and attributes

Processors are the only Component to which access is given to create, remove, modify, or inspect FlowFiles (data and attributes).
