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Your search for What are kilohertz returned the following results:

1000 Hertz ( 15,000 Hertz = 15 kHz)

A kiloHertz is 1000 Hertz (15,000 Hertz = 15 kHz).

one thousand cycles per second,

(A kilohertz, is one thousand cycles per second; a megahertz is one million cycles per second).


one thousands hertz, a megahertz (MHz)

A kilohertz (kHz) is one thousands hertz, a megahertz (MHz) is one million hertz, and a gigahertz is one billion hertz (GHz).


a unit that is 1000 times greater than a hertz and is commonly used in radio communication

Cycles per second is the oldest and the earliest term for Hertz, while kilohertz is a unit that is 1000 times greater than a hertz and is commonly used in radio communication.


a multiple of the hertz, which is the SI derived unit for frequency

The kilohertz is a multiple of the hertz, which is the SI derived unit for frequency.

Other units used to express frequency

(iv) Other units used to express frequency are kilohertz

VERY low frequencies

In electromagnetic terms kiloHertz are VERY low frequencies and can modify electron orbitals only “quasi-statically”.


In electromagnetic terms

In electromagnetic terms kiloHertz are VERY low frequencies and can modify electron orbitals only “quasi-statically”.



One complete cycle per second is equal to 1Hz; one thousand complete cycles per second is 1kHz (kilohertz).


The unit of measure for CPU frequency

The unit of measure for CPU frequency is kilohertz.