Smart answer:

Your search for How does simon's algorithm work returned the following results:

the properties ) of a “black-box” function f(x

Simon’s algorithm determines the properties of a “black-box” function f(x), figuring out if a function is

on a control register and target register

Simon's Algorithm operates on a control register and target register, changing state like: $|\textbf{x}\rangle|\textbf{y}\rangle->|\textbf{x}\rangle|\textbf{y}\oplus f(...

the first example of a quantum algorithm exponentially faster than any classical algorithm

Simon's algorithm is the first example of a quantum algorithm exponentially faster than any classical algorithm, and has many applications in cryptanalysis.


an efficient method for finding the relationship between the pairs: ) \(f(x

Simon's algorithm is an efficient method for finding the relationship between the pairs: \(f(x) =

to discover periodicity in functions

Simon's algorithm helps to discover periodicity in functions and does so exponentially faster than any classic algorithm.


instructions for a computer

Simon’s algorithm, proposed by computer scientist Daniel Simon in 1994, provides instructions for a computer to determine whether a black box returns a distinct output for every possible input.


where is the quantum state with zeros

Simon's algorithm starts with the input , where is the quantum state with zeros.


The high-level idea behind Simon's algorithm

The high-level idea behind Simon's algorithm is to "probe" (or "sample") a quantum circuit (see the picture below) "enough times" to find (linearly independent) n-bit strings, that is


in order to attack symmetric cryptosystems in this model

We study applications of a quantum procedure called Simon's algorithm (the simplest quantum period finding algorithm) in order to attack symmetric cryptosystems in this model.


many applications in cryptanalysis

Simon's algorithm is the first example of a quantum algorithm exponentially faster than any classical algorithm, and has many applications in cryptanalysis.
