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Your search for What is the unit of measurement for electric potential returned the following results:

in one word Volts

So, the unit of measurement for electric potential is Joules per Coulomb, or in one word Volts.

Voltage or electric potential tension (

Voltage or electric potential tension (denoted ∆V or ∆U and measured in units of electric potential: volts, or joules per coulomb)


the Volt, which is the potential energy of 1 Joule per unit of charge, or 1 Coulomb

The measurement unit of the potential is the Volt, which is the potential energy of 1 Joule per unit of charge, or 1 Coulomb.


to the difference in potential which occurs in a conductor which is carrying 1 ampere

The unit of measurement of electrical potential difference (or electromotive force) equal to the difference in potential which occurs in a conductor which is carrying 1 ampere, and the power being dissipated in the conductor is 1 watt, with the resistance of the conductor being 1 ohm.


Joules per Coulomb

So, the unit of measurement for electric potential is Joules per Coulomb, or in one word Volts.

with reference to a universal reference called earth

the conductor's unit is Voltage and symbol V. Electrical Earth: Electrical Potential is measured with reference to a universal reference called earth.

In honor of Alessandro Volta,

In honor of Alessandro Volta, the unit of measurement of electrical potential electrical potential is called Volt.
